Cambridge Reproductive Health Consultants (CRHC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving reproductive health and fostering reproductive justice worldwide
By leveraging the skills of professionals from a variety of fields and disciplines, CRHC focuses on increasing access to safe, legal, high quality, and affordable abortion care, reducing harm from unsafe abortion, increasing access to emergency contraception and long-acting reversible contraceptive methods, and advancing new reproductive health technologies in low resource environments and refugee and conflict settings. CRHC accomplishes its mission by conducting action- and intervention-oriented research, creating and incubating new and innovative programs, and developing and delivering evidence-based reproductive health information, resources, and trainings. We work locally, nationally, and internationally.
We conduct social science, policy, health services, and legal research to build evidence-based programs and policies.
Innovative programs
From partnering on the community-based distribution of misoprostol for safe abortion to creating a text-line advising teens in Missouri, we develop new, innovative pilots and projects.
We create evidence-based reports, training manuals, agency guidelines, and low-literacy resources for organizations, policy makers, researchers, and communities.

Educational materials
CRHC creates evidence-based educational materials to make reproductive health information available to a wider audience. We have created a series of comic books about reducing harm and preventing complications from unsafe abortion and on menstruation and menstrual hygiene for low literacy readers. CRHC also partners with Ibis Reproductive Health to maintain and update the medication abortion website, www.medicationabortion.com, now available in seven languages.

CRHC prioritizes documenting the reproductive health experiences women and other pregnancy capable people around the world. Including women’s voices and stories in research is crucial to understanding the contexts that we work in and empowering women and girls. Our qualitative research has allowed us to document Tunisian women’s experiences with emergency contraception, the experiences of Yazidi women abducted by ISIS, the experiences of child brides in Jordan, Burmese women’s perceptions of long-acting reversible contraception, and the medication abortion experiences of women, transgender men, and gender non-binary individuals in the United States.

Reproductive health needs assessments
CRHC conducts rigorous reproductive health needs assessments to identify and address gaps in the current provision of services. We have carried out multi-methods needs assessments in Albania, Jordan, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.

Guidelines and trainings
CRHC develops and implements trainings for a number of target audiences, including reproductive health professionals, backpack health workers, and peer mentors. In Jordan, we developed and carried out trainings for the largest reproductive health service provider to Syrian refugees. CRHC also contributed to the development of the 2018 Inter-Agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings.

Program development and evaluation
CRHC develops programs to meet identified reproductive health needs. Recent activities include supporting the community-based distribution of misoprostol for early induced abortion, establishing safe abortion referral programs in conflict-affected settings, and settings, and developing an asynchronous telemedicine medication abortion service. CRHC also evaluates the outcomes of these programs.

CRHC provides other non-governmental organizations with expertise in research and strategy development. We lead social science and legal research projects, create policy recommendations, and develop guidelines for reproductive health service provision.